
Community services provided by Elmbridge Council currently helps 2% of the Elmbridge population (approximately 2,750 people). These services are mainly accessed by older people, through our Centres for the Community, meals on wheels, community transport and dementia services.

However, reports such as the Under the Radar, show that there are many more people who may benefit from support.

We are keen to hear from children and young people about what is important to them.

The aim is to understand how services could be adapted or, potentially, new services introduced to help children and young people.

Why get involved?

A decision will be made in summer 2025 about the future of community services. . What we hear will directly inform this decision.

It is an opportunity for children and young people to get involved in local decision making, to ensure their voices are heard in helping to shape the future of Elmbridge.

This toolkit sets out:

You may have better ideas for how to get your children and young people involved. That is fine too. You know best what will work for them.

Ways to get involved

There are four key ways to get involved:

Advertise public events

Advertise opportunities to get involved in your school newsletters.

This includes:

Full details can be found at- Residents invited to help shape community services in Elmbridge | Elmbridge Borough Council


Lunchtime or after school drop in

Provide a space where we could run a lunchtime or afterschool drop in activities.

We would tailor the events according to the age groups likely to get involved.

We will capture and write up what we hear.

Notice board or suggestion box for ideas

Have a notice board or suggestion box with the heading ‘What would make children and young people happier in Elmbridge’.

Children and young people can write or draw their ideas.

For older children, you might want to print out the context section above, so they know what this is about.

Please take pictures of the board or send the suggestions to ……

Run a ‘listening event’

If you have time within lessons or want to run a specific exercise with your Student Council or other groups, up could hold a more structured listening event.

Fully details on what is involved in running a listening event can be found here. Alternatively you can get in touch with [email protected] to discuss.


Next Steps

Once all the events have taken place, we will pull all the information together. We will share what we hear from children and young people, as well as the wider community.